Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I log on to my online learning?
Through your student portal. We use Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Here is a video of how to log on to them (copy and paste link into your browser):
2. How do I get my name marked off in roll call?
Roll call is held each day through google classrooms. Just click on the attendance date in the classroom feed, and click yes when it asks you if you have been participating in online learning today. If you are not in the Roll call classroom, the codes are:
Year 7 - 2gv5c7i
Year 8 - 6lxdhol
Year 9 - mp2aacc
Year 10 - bkulruh
Year 11 - ax5l2v2
Year 12 - 6rj2rff
3. How do I get my name marked off in class?
Each subject is using a slightly different way of marking names off in class. English and Maths are marking it from who attends the Team meeting. CAPA and Science are using a google roll like your Roll call in the morning, and HSIE are using an ‘exit ticket’ question to both mark the roll and let you show what you have learnt.
4. Where can I get help if I am having difficulty with online learning?
You can fill in the online inquiry form. The link was emailed to everyone, and is also available on Sentral.
You can also email or call the school, or email your teacher or your year advisor.
You can also ask a question or leave a comment in your Google Roll Call
5. What Timetable do I follow?
Year 7-10 should follow the online timetable
Year 11 and 12 should follow their normal timetable
6. What will students be learning when they are at school?
Students who are at school will sometimes be working face to face and sometimes working online. All work that students complete, whether face to face or online, will be integrated into a single unit of work for each subject.
7. Should students bring devices to school?
Yes, if possible students should bring devices (laptops or tablets) to school. They should be fully charged, and students should also bring their own headphones/earphones. Mobile phones are not devices under the school’s BYOD policy and will not be used for online learning at school.
8. What is the school doing to keep students safe?
The safety of staff and students is of the highest priority at Lithgow High School. Some of the measures that we have put in place are:
- Limiting the number of people in each learning space
- Providing Hand Sanitiser for use whenever someone enters a learning space
- Enforcing social distancing between everyone at school
- Staggering recess and lunch breaks
- Extended hours for the cleaning staff
- No large gatherings of students, for example assembly.
It is important that the school community supports the staff in these measures. We ask that parents wait in their cars when picking up their children from school. At this point, only staff and students are permitted on school grounds. All contact from parents with the school should be through phone or email.